We’re experts in space skills, training, and recruitment

Find out how we can help you


Ideas for addressing the space skills gap


Understanding the skills needed in the UK space sector

Recruitment & retention

Understanding how to attract and keep space talent


Understanding supply and demand for space training

Demographics & diversity

Understanding the space workforce and their experiences

Landscape & literature

Mapping existing work on space skills

We help employers, policy makers, and training providers to tackle the space skills gap by offering data, tools, and advice covering:



Recruitment & retention


  • The Space Training Catalogue, a directory of more than 500 space training opportunities in the UK and Europe
  • ASTRAIOS, an EU Horizon project analysing space training and research across Europe

Demographics & diversity

Landscape & literature

The Space Skills Alliance’s analysis and reports have been hugely informative and impactful, and continue to be cited in influential government publications. Working with them was a pleasure.

Dr Craig Brown
Director of Investment, UK Space Agency

Since its formation in 2019, the Space Skills Alliance has been instrumental in helping the UK’s space employers identify and understand the challenges faced in recruiting the skills they need to grow

Prof. Nigel Bannister
Director of Skills, Space Park Leicester

Trusted by

UK Space Agency (UKSA) logoDepartment for Science, Innovation & Technology logoCornwall Space Cluster logoSatellite Applications Catapult logoUniversity of Leicester logoSpace Partnership logoHE Space logoSpace South Central logoknow.space logoUKspace logoRoyal Institute of Navigation (RIN) logoSpaceCareers.uk logoSpace Universities Network (SUN) logoGrowbotics logoAssociation for Geographic Information (AGI) logoCentre for Earth Observation Instrumentation (CEOI) logoWest of England Combined Authority (WECA) logoSSPI UK logoUKSEDS logoSpace Professionals logoGeospatial Ventures Limited (GVL) logo

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