A library of 62 publications about skills, recruitment, economics, and strategy in the space sector by us and lots of other great organisations. Most reports focus on space skills in the UK, but we have included other countries and sectors where useful. If any links are broken, let us know, we have copies of most reports.
- Economic stats & forecasts
- Policy & strategy
- Education
- Technical skills
- Transferable skills
- Technicians
- Brexit
- Training
- Careers
- Recruitment
- Diversity
- Pay
Space Sector Skills Survey 2023 results
Space Skills Alliance & know.space (2023)
The findings of the Space Sector Skills Survey 2023, a major national survey to understand space skills gaps and recruitment challenges.
Technical skills Transferable skillsAGI Skills Survey 2023
Association for Geographic Information (AGI) (2023)
23 pages
The first AGI skills survey addressed issues such as recruitment, skills and retention, asking questions about barriers to employment, specific skills that are missing from existing or potential recruits and what makes people move on to new opportunities.
Technical skillsThe National Space Strategy in Action
Department for Science & Innovation and Technology (2023)
39 pages
This policy paper sets out how the government is delivering on the ambitions set out in the National Space Strategy and summarises the government's achievements so far.
Policy & strategySize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2022
UK Space Agency & know.space (2023)
50 pages – read our one page summary
The annual survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsUK space strategy and UK satellite infrastructure
House of Commons (2022)
A House of Commons Committee report, with recommendations to government, covering technology and skills.
Policy & strategyInteragency Roadmap to Support Space-Related STEM Education and Workforce
National Science and Technology Council (2022)
25 pages
A roadmap for US federal departments and agencies to grow, diversify, and strengthen the US space STEM workforce.
Policy & strategyUK Space Agency Corporate Plan 2022-25
UK Space Agency (2022)
The Corporate Plan sets out the work the UK Space Agency will deliver in 2022 to 2025.
Policy & strategyOur Space Our Future - Final Evaluation Report
Our Space Our Future (2022)
105 pages
The evaluation report for Our Space Our Future, a European Project that brings space science to the classroom, boosting the interest of students in space-related careers.
Education CareersDemand for Geospatial Skills
Geospatial Commission (2022)
82 pages
Report by Frontier Economics analysing the demand for geospatial skills in the UK
Technical skillsSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2021
UK Space Agency & BryceTech (2022)
32 pages
The seventh biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsSpace Education in Europe
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) (2022)
40 pages
An overview of the European space education landscape including an analysis of trends and challenges and a view from students and young professionals of space education in Europe.
Education2020 State of the Canadian Space Sector Report - Facts and Figures 2019
Canadian Space Agency (2022)
A report of the state of the Canadian space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsSpace/Geoinformation sector Skills Strategy report
EO4GEO (2021)
50 pages
This high level and strategic document set out eight goals for a long-term action plan to provide the skills needed by the European EO sector.
Technical skillsSTEM Education In Europe
Women in Aerospace - Europe (2021)
22 pages
A concise summary of the main issues in European STEM education focusing on early inspiration, retention of young women, the contribution and influence of peers/family, and the perception of women in STEM careers.
Education DiversitySkills Gap in the Aerospace Sector
Women in Aerospace - Europe (2021)
24 pages
A report analysing the current skills deficit in the European aerospace sector, how well graduates are meeting those needs, and the key challenges that space sector stakeholders need to overcome.
Technical skills Transferable skillsWomen in the C-Suite
Women in Aerospace - Europe (2021)
17 pages
A summary of the “leaky pipeline” and the issues facing women looking to advance to the C-suite which explores how governments and organisations can contribute to accelerating progress and develop and retain their top female talent.
DiversityWomen in the UK Space Sector
Space Skills Alliance (2021)
A report on the experiences of women in the UK space sector, drawn from the findings of the 2020 Space Census.
DiversityNational Space Strategy
Department for Business & Energy & Industrial Strategy (2021)
42 pages
A strategy setting out the UK government’s ambitions for the UK in space, bringing together civil and defence policy for the first time.
Policy & strategyPay in the UK Space Sector
Space Skills Alliance (2021)
The first statistics on pay for the UK space sector, drawn from the findings of the 2020 Space Census.
PaySize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2020
UK Space Agency & know.space (2021)
27 pages
The sixth biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsSpace Industry Skills Gap Analysis
SmartSat (2021)
111 pages
A report for the Australian space sector identifying 319 space-related skills needed to support future needs of the sector.
Technical skills Transferable skillsDemographics of the UK Space Sector
Space Skills Alliance (2021)
The first comprehensive demographic statistics for the UK space sector, drawn from the findings of the 2020 Space Census.
DiversitySpace Sector Skills Survey 2020: Research Report
UK Space Agency & BMG (2021)
105 pages – read our one page summary
A research report into the space industry’s recruitment and training practices.
Technical skills Transferable skillsAssessing the quality of space job adverts
Space Skills Alliance (2020)
An assessment of 50 job adverts from 50 space companies scored against 10 criteria based on recruitment best practice, and recommendations for improvements.
RecruitmentTowards a space competencies taxonomy
Space Skills Alliance (2020)
The first competencies taxonomy to be developed specifically for the space sector, comprising about 250 competencies across five categories.
Technical skills Transferable skillsSkills demand for early career space jobs
Space Skills Alliance (2020)
The first quantitative assessment of skills demand in the UK space sector, analysing 812 early career job adverts to identify competencies in highest demand.
Technical skills Transferable skills2019 Hiring Trends
Space Talent (2019)
34 pages
An analysis of hiring trends at 34 space companies from around the world.
Economic stats & forecasts Recruitment2019 Career Trends
Space Talent (2019)
27 pages
A summary of space job trends in the USA based on an analysis of almost 8000 jobs.
Economic stats & forecasts RecruitmentSpace / Geospatial Sector Skills Strategy
EO4GEO (2019)
126 pages
A strategy for the EU to reduce the skills gap in the space and geospatial sectors and eliminate the mismatch between the supply of and the demand for education and training.
Policy & strategy Technical skillsThe Definitive Career Guide to Entrepreneurial Space
Space Angels (2019)
11 pages
A guide on how to start a career in space based on advice from companies and leaders across the space sector.
CareersSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2018
UK Space Agency & London Economics (2019)
31 pages
The fifth biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsDemand for space-geospatial education and training and priority occupational profiles
EO4GEO (2018)
112 pages
A summary of demand for skills in the space/geospatial sector in the EU.
TrainingCurrent supply of space/geospatial education and training
EO4GEO (2018)
146 pages
A summary of analysis of the supply of space and geospatial education and training opportunities in the EU.
TrainingProsperity from Space: A partnership strategy for the UK
Space Growth Partnership (2018)
12 pages
This report sets out a vision for enhanced growth in the UK space sector over the next decade.
Policy & strategyGrowing the Space Economy: The Downstream Segment as a Driver
South Australia Space Industry Centre (2018)
103 pages
An analysis of the downstream space economy with a focus on South Australia.
Economic stats & forecastsRemoving Roadblocks from the UK space skills pipeline: A student and young professional perspective
UKSEDS (2018)
5 pages
A student and young professional perspective on how to develop the space skills pipeline.
Technical skillsProsperity from Space: A global partnership strategy for the UK
Space Growth Partnership (2018)
55 pages
This report sets out a vision for enhanced growth in the UK space sector over the next decade.
Policy & strategyThe impact of Brexit on the aerospace sector: Sixth Report of Session 2017–19
House of Commons (2018)
28 pages
A parliamentary report on the impact of Brexit on the aerospace sector.
Brexit Economic stats & forecastsSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2016
UK Space Agency & London Economics (2016)
24 pages
The fourth biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsImportance and Challenges of Hands-On Experience in Astronautical Education
International Astronautical Federation (2016)
15 pages
A discussion of the role of hands-on-activities in tertiary education with particular focus on the space sector in Europe.
EducationUK Space Agency Education, Skills and Outreach Strategy
UK Space Agency (2016)
9 pages
The strategy aims to ensure that as many young people as possible are inspired by space to study, and keep studying, STEM subjects to tertiary level ensuring a skilled and enthusiastic workforce for high tech industries (including space) in the future.
Policy & strategy EducationThe impact of human spaceflight on young people’s attitudes to STEM subjects
University of York (2016)
44 pages
A report on the impact of the education campaign linked to Tim Peake's Principia mission on young people’s attitudes to STEM subjects.
EducationSpace tech and services: Big Data in Earth Observation
Business Innovation Observatory (2016)
13 pages
An analysis of the use of 'big data' in Earth Observation and policy recommendations for improving the availability of data.
Policy & strategyGrowing the skills pool for the UK space sector
National Space Academy (2016)
22 pages
A summary presentation on actions being taken to build space skills, particularly through the National Space Academy and SPIN programme.
Economic stats & forecastsNational Space Policy
UK Space Agency (2015)
15 pages
A statement of the Government’s vision to capture a greater share of the global space market.
Policy & strategySeeking Resolution: Growing The UK Small Satellite Industry
Institute of Mechanical Engineers (2015)
51 pages
A summary of the market for Earth Observation satellites, highlighting some of the barriers and opportunities facing the industry.
Economic stats & forecasts Policy & strategyUK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy: 2015 Update Report
Space IGS (2015)
20 pages
A summary of progress against the goals set out in the 2010 Innovation and Growth Strategy, and an outline of plans for the next phase of the programme.
Policy & strategyThe Case for Space 2015: The impact of space on the UK economy
London Economics (2015)
140 pages
As study of the impacts of the space sector on the economy, including consumer, commercial, public sector, and national critical infrastructure applications.
Economic stats & forecastsSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2014
UK Space Agency (2014)
20 pages
The third biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsGovernment Response to the UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2014 – 2030
UK Space Agency (2014)
20 pages
The government response to the pace innovation and growth strategy (IGS) action plan.
Policy & strategyIGS Skills Theme Report
Space IGS (2014)
18 pages
A skills-focused contribution to the Space Growth Action Plan outlining the skills landscape and current challenges, along with recommended actions for addressing these.
Technical skills Transferable skillsSpace Innovation and Growth Strategy 2014 to 2030: Space Growth Action Plan
Space IGS (2013)
34 pages
An executive summary of the updated Space Innovation and Growth Strategy report (2015).
Policy & strategySpace & Aerospace Technicians
Gatsby Charitable Foundation (2013)
7 pages
Report of a seminar to explore how the supply and quality of apprenticeship training in the space and aerospace sectors could be improved.
TechniciansSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2012
UK Space Agency & Oxford Economics (2012)
16 pages
The second biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsUK Space Agency Civil Space Strategy 2012-2016
UK Space Agency (2012)
24 pages
A strategy setting out aims and objectives to strengthen the UK's position in the space sector.
Policy & strategySpace for Technicians: An analysis for technican duties, skills, and training in the UK space industry
Gatsby Charitable Foundation (2012)
47 pages
A study of the roles of technicians in the space sector and how employers ensure they have the technician staff they require.
Technicians Technical skillsEmployer Engagement – enhancing HEI engagement with the Satellite Industry for workforce upskilling and informing policy makers
University of Reading & National HE STEM Programme (2012)
5 pages
A review of the skill levels of graduates and apprentices entering the space sector, and the destinations of graduates from key courses compared with the skills requirements that employers report.
Technical skills Transferable skillsUK Space Agency Education, Skills and Outreach Strategy
UK Space Agency (2011)
6 pages
The strategy aims to ensure that as many young people as possible are inspired by space to study, and keep studying, STEM subjects to tertiary level ensuring a skilled and enthusiastic workforce for high tech industries (including space) in the future.
Policy & strategy EducationSize & Health of the UK Space Industry 2010
UK Space Agency & Oxford Economics (2010)
16 pages
The first biennial survey of the state of the UK space industry.
Economic stats & forecastsThe Space Innovation and Growth Strategy Main Report
Space IGS (2010)
79 pages
A 2020 year strategy for the space sector which identifies key trends and recommends actions industry and government need to take.
Policy & strategyA UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Space IGS (2010)
29 pages
An executive summary of the Space Innovation and Growth Strategy report.
Policy & strategyThe Case for Space: The Impact of Space Derived Services and Data
Oxford Economics (2009)
42 pages
An overview of the significant growth of space sector since 2000.
Economic stats & forecasts